How Facility Management Can Improve Your Employee’s Performance

21 December 2017

As a business, your most valuable assets are without a doubt your employees. This is exactly why you need to take good care of them, ensuring that you can get the best from them.

One of the best ways of doing this is to employ a facilities management team.

They can create a perfect working environment for your employees. Here’s how they do it.

Keep the temperature just right

This sounds like a little thing, but it has a huge impact on your staff. No one wants to be having to wear their coat or employing a space heater under their desk in the winter.

Alternately, they don’t want to be piling fans onto their desk in the summer. Keep the temperature right, and they’ll be able to work without having to battle it.

Employ an excellent janitorial staff

No one wants to walk into a dusty or poorly cared for office on a Monday morning. It shows that there isn’t any care being put into their work space, so why should they care?

A facilities management company will be able to source and hire the best janitorial staff possible.

They’ll also look into using greener cleaning products, lowering allergic reactions and improving your impact on the environment.

Using the right lighting

Does your lighting really make a difference? Yes, it really does. It needs to be bright without being glaring, without distorting colour, and without creating too many shadows.

Poor lighting can cause headaches and other problems for your staff, especially if the lights are too bright, or worse, flickering. If maintained properly, your staff will thank you for it.

Assistance with transport to work

This can be given in several ways. You can provide car parking services, either free or paid, from the staff’s monthly wages.

You could also offer stipends towards public transport travel, or even employ shuttle buses to help your staff get into work.

Travel to and from work is a great source of stress, so anything you can do to ease it will be welcomed.

Eco saving tactics

A facilities management company will look to reduce your company’s carbon footprint wherever possible. That can be by reducing printing, replacing outdated lighting, or upping your recycling efforts.

It’s actually in your best interests as a business to do this. That’s because companies that make efforts to be eco friendly attract more discerning employees. It’s a tool you can use to draw in potential candidates when the need arises.

If you feel your business could use the services of a facility management company, then look no further.

Here at Facilities Management Services, we pride ourselves at being the best at what we do. We can create a space that’s perfect for your employees, helping them focus on the job at hand rather than their surroundings.

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